A Bittersweet Day

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May 19, 2016

A Bittersweet Day

This is a bittersweet day. A day in which we leave to embark on a new adventure full of promise and and opportunity. We are going international!

This is not referring to the brand of truck, it’s referring to the borders. No, we did not make connections in Mexico or Columbia! We will be working with our friends to the north!

However a sadness fills our thoughts in saying so long to a place we have called ‘home’. A place where we were welcomed in as part of the ‘family’ with no judgments passed. Ok..well… to be completely honest…a few were very judgmental at the beginning. But in their defense…look at us, I don’t think we exactly fit the typical image of a truck driver. An overly cheerful lady and a happy ‘on top of my game’ outspoken man. Either way, they still welcomed us in and I believe even got used to us, might have even taken a liking to us. We have found that it is pretty easy coming back to the yard and finding a happy friendly smile on many faces.

This has been a great adventure and we are forever grateful to Abilene for giving us this opportunity to gain valuable experience. The green will always hold a special place in our heart. We are so very thankful for the many people we have met here and the never ending words of advice, support, and encouragement! All of it priceless!

So here we find ourselves renting a minivan. Yes, from big beautiful truck…to <sigh> a mini van. We are amazed at how much stuff we have accumulated in the last several months?!?! Oh my…..