August 14, 2015
Three and a Half Days
Whistle here…Well, it is Friday afternoon and I am back in Richmond VA. My trainer and I left Tuesday afternoon and I have driven 1751 miles. This may not sound like a lot to other professional drivers, but is a decent amount for my first 3.5 days. I feel real good about my decision to become a professional truck driver. I am comfortable in the truck and with all manners of driving. Even backing up. My trainer seems pleased with my progress as well….This is a good thing! Trainer Joe was due an upgrade on his truck so we are moving in to a 2015 Kenworth. This is somewhat like moving from one appartment to an other next door since we live in these trucks. The move takes a few hours at least.
I will be headed back out tomorrow morning, somewhere. The adventure continues. 🙂