The Metro

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March 29, 2016

The Metro

Metro….oh yes, thank you very much! So our apartment is .7 miles from the metro stop. A short little jaunt and we were there. Thankfully there were actually humans to interact with when we got there. Helpful too! A friendly transit officer helped us purchase our metro pass from the automated machine. Thank goodness she was friendly…cuz right after we received our cards, Whistle promptly attempted to ‘jump’ the gate to get to the train. Geez, coulda got thrown out before we even got there! smile emoticon She was sweet and showed us how we had to scan our card to make the gates open. After that minor misstep we successful made our very first voyage on a subway! Got off our correct stop without further incident.

Beautiful weather today, sunny skies, a bit breezy but not cold. They seem to be doing a lot of construction work on the mall and the Capitol building, non of which slowed us down. There were an unbelievable amount of tour buses! Mostly filled with school aged kiddos from the elementary level up to the high school age. Longer than anticipated lines to get through the security screenings to enter the museums. We only hit a couple museums today, just taking our time and enjoying ourselves. After spending the last six months sitting the majority of the time, our feet and bodies aren’t quite accustomed to the walking like it used to be. Done with the walking but more to see, can you say….Pedicab! Yup….another first!! Went for a great ride to a late lunch at a place called Potbellies! Located in the downtown area of Washington DC. Glad we didn’t half to walk…mostly uphill. Boy oh boy, maybe we need to get out more often! Anyhow, they had really good sandwiches! At this point we were within a block of a Metro stop. So after a quick sidestep to get a watch battery, back to the subway we went. This one was a bit more of a challenge….it was a hub….trains going all different directions! We did it….picked the right one the first time! (whew). Back to the apartment to kick back and enjoy our evening. We are so very blessed and thankful for our place we are staying! Loving having a full kitchen! Another yummy dinner cooked and enjoyed!

