Our Apartment

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March 28, 2016

Our Apartment

Details…. so this gem we found is a one bedroom apartment, fully furnished, for half the cost of most of the hotels near Washington D.C.! Cannot describe the giddiness we have felt over this one. Oakwood has properties worldwide! Highly recommend looking into the availability anytime you travel to a larger city, as long as you aren’t looking for a continental breakfast. They are pet friendly too! Amazing how large a one bedroom feels after being in the truck for only 6 months! Palatial estate…for reals!!

So with a fully furnished kitchen we visited the grocery store that is within walking distance. What an experience that was!! The shopping center is named Saigon East, and it is really just like stepping into another country! It is a Vietnamese shopping center. The grocery store is very much a foreign place to include a fish market at the back of the store….with live fish in tanks….pick your dinner and they will prep it! Imagine the smell! Grant is trying not to breath and I’m geeking out at the culture experience. We got separated in the produce section. I rounded the corner to find the ‘fresh’ fish section…look up thinking “oh, no….where is Grant, he cannot stand the smell of fish.” quick scan of the area…start looking down each isle, no Grant….oh no! I am sure he is probably gagging by now. All I could envision is him either hurling in an aisle or running out the front door, hand over mouth. Well I found him, at a spot furthest from the fish…looking a bit green. As we cruised through each aisle he was very aware when we were ‘getting dangerously close to the fish”. I am happy to report he made it through and out without incident.

Our first full day here we spent ‘shopping’ for things we are unable to shop for while driving the truck. New shoes and a camera lens! So now our feet will be very happy on our tours this week and fun photos will be taken with our new wide angle lens! We visited the NRA National Firearms Museum, as we already posted, which were taken with the new lens. Back ‘home’ we came…very thankful to rest our feet! We haven’t been on our feet for that long in forever and they are sore!! (new shoes or not) We cooked Elk stew tonight! Elk compliments of our son Mason (and Trey for processing it)! Oh so yummy! Now to rest up for more adventures tomorrow!