Life is good!
Once again we are feeling blessed beyond measure. Less than one year into our new adventure/career, we have found a company that has everything we were looking for. Yes, sounds familiar…but you don’t know what you don’t know at the beginning without experience. They have provided us with the truck we requested, the kind of freight we are proud to haul, and the support we hoped we always would find. Communication is important to us and they measure up in every sense of the word.
So after a whirlwind of orientation and learning a lot of new procedures, they sent us out a day earlier than scheduled. A statement we took (and was meant) as a complement to our abilities. This company has no problem handing out compliments and kudos and doesn’t think we are strange when we do the same in return. They understand PBS….which for our followers that have a background in CMCA will understand how engrained that is in both of us! So as to not leave anyone out…PBS is the acronym for Positive Behavior Support. The short of it is handing out compliments to improve results versus negative criticism. Anyhow, the happiness and positivity that exudes from each and every person at Skelton and the clients we serve is extremely refreshing! All of this and a substantial increase in pay. We still travel the country and will also have the ability to travel across Canada as well. One of us is excited for the prospect of “Ice Road Trucking” and the other would prefer to adventure that area during the summer months….y’all figure out which is which!
We’ve held off from posting for a few weeks, our apologies. We wanted to make sure this was for real, because it all seemed too good to be true. After pinching ourselves and each other repeatedly…we’ve discovered, by golly, it’s real!!