December 14, 2015
Audio Books
Howdy all, Whistle here.
What do you do while driving 11 hours per day? We see it all, from those that are looking at their phones to those that do nothing and have that blank stare and see nothing.
We started listening to audio books a few months ago. WoW these are cool, however they are rather expensive. Approx $20 for and 8 hour book. Some are shorter, some are longer, but average around 8, so 1 book a day. This gets expensive! There is not any savings by going with Audible as they are same price, just a better selection. Audible will also use a good chunk of data from your phone plan to download.
We have been talking about how cool it would be to find an exchange program to trade out all these books we have already listened to or to find a Netflix, Redbox type program for truckers. We are ahead of our time I think. Sooo today we were at the I 44 chrome shop meca in Joplin looking at thier selection and another driver was mentioning the cost per hour of audio books. I said how we needed to just start trading other drivers to minimize the costs. We looked at each other and said, Lets do it! He went to his truck and got a bag full and we went to ours and met in the middle and just traded straight across. Both happy as clams to have new books! We even traded a couple of same books meaning we both like similar style books. How cool is that!
The brotherhood of truck drivers is still alive. WooHoo.
Side note…We have been amazed at how good some of the readers are. They keep track of a dozen different characters and have a different voice and accent approiate for the nationality of said character. You get so caught up in the story you forget that it is but one person reading to you.
I also want to thank my sister Gwen for all the time she has spent getting us books from the library and uploading them to dropbox.