Fun With the Shipper

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August 6, 2016

Fun With the Shipper

Just had fun at the shipper.

Grant was backed up to the dock, just waiting for them to come out and check temp before loading. They wanted him to slide his tandums, so he jumped out. I jumped into the drivers seat.

As grant and they guy were walking to the back of the trailer, the guy said, “that trailer is kind of high”. Grant responded with, “watch this,” and turned a valve that dumps the air off the trailer airbags which lowers it about 4 inches. The guys eyes got big. Grant then pushed the button to release the pins to slide the tandums. He the pointed forward. The truck and trailer moved forward and slid the tandums to the back.

The guys eyes got big again and he said, “You got someone in the truck?” Grant said, “no, it’s remote control. There is a camera in my mirror and it sees my hand signals.” As they head to open the trailer doors he asks. ” do you like working for this company?” Grant’s reply, “Ya, I love it! Look at all the cool toys they give me!  They then open the trailer doors and Grant motions to come back. The truck starts back and they guy is just shaking his head.

He says, “Are you kidding me?!”, eyes still really big.

At this point Grant lets him know I was in the truck.

Oh the fun and the priceless look on the guys face!